Vision and Aims
Our Vision Statement is:
To allow young people to develop and learn so as to give them a base for excellence in all spheres of life through effective teaching, quality facilities, an optimal day structure, and an integrated curriculum.
The aims of Middle School West Auckland are:
To provide a window of opportunity for outstanding learning for Year 7 to 10 students.
To play a significant part in preparing students for full and effective participation in their future academic, cultural, sporting, social and working lives.
To provide a learning environment that is thorough, innovative and able to be applied to the best advantage to each student through their individualised education.
The Core Values of the school are:
Respect|Manaakitanga: We respect ourselves, each other and our environment. | Ka whai whakaaro tētahi ki tētahi, ki te taiao hoki.
Inclusion|Kotahitanga: We accept, value and celebrate each other’s differences. | Ka tautoko, ka whakamānawa, ka whakanui ō tātou rerekētanga.
Care|Whanaungatanga: We encourage, support and care for each other. | Ka akiaki, ka tautoko, ka kauawhiawhi tētahi i tētahi.
Villa Student Values: Diligence, Faith, Optimism, Self-discipline, Integrity, Courage, Generosity, Perseverance, Determination, Sense of Purpose, Compassion
Features and Future:
A small school environment.
• A student teacher ratio of no more than 15:1.
• A project based, integrated, curriculum.
• Differentiated education for each student.
• Excellence in learning.
• Cooperation among students, families and the community.
• Building of personal character through applied Christian values.
• A strong emphasis on thinking skills and students understanding how they think and learn.
• A modified day structure to allow excellent learning outside of the classroom and the use of community resources.
• Excellent learning resources including up to date and thoughtfully used ICT.
• Tikanga and kaupapa Māori integrated into daily practice with whānau interactions (Pōhutukawa Villa).